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Maternity Session | The Fortinos

I enjoyed this maternity session SO much. Viktorija and I graduated high school together, what seems like forever ago, so when she contacted me to do her maternity photos I was excited to work with a friendly face and to catchup a bit.

Viktorija and Dominic are not only beautiful on the outside but such wonderful, laid back, people on the inside. They made me feel comfortable and fully trusted my vision.

We spent a beautiful Friday evening exploring the grounds and gardens at Skylands Manor, while Dom, who owns his own landscaping business, educated us on different plants and tree types. It was quite a fun lesson!

This session was EVERYTHING I could have asked for. Not only did Viki and Dom have perfect outfits and beautiful faces but this golden hour light....O. M. G! This is the type of light that us photographers geek out on. I try to schedule evening sessions as much as possible and this is exactly why. Future clients, keep this in mind! ;-)

Not too long after these photos were taken, Viki and Dom welcomed their beautiful baby girl, Layla Rose. Congrats you two and thank you for allowing me to capture these beautiful memories!

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Kristen is a New Jersey based lifestyle photographer who strives to create an authentic photography experience with real emotions and genuine moments.

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